Why You May Be Feeling Stuck and How To Move Through It

Why You May Be Feeling Stuck and How To Move Through It

Why you may be feeling stuck and how to move through it. You ALWAYS have options. I know, you might be rolling your eyes at me right now. I SO GET IT. I know what it’s like to feel stuck. But the reason we keep ourselves stuck more often than not is because we don’t expand our view… because we see the safest path and decide “that’s the one I have to go with.”

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To The Mirror That Seems To Hate Me So Much

To The Mirror That Seems To Hate Me So Much

The mirror. My hardest, worst critic. That mirror hated me. It hated every piece of me. Every skin cell, every misplaced hair, every imperfect lash. It hated it all. I was never enough. I always needed to be fixed. And no matter how hard I tried, no matter how hard I worked there was no meal plan or exercise routine or mantra that would ever change those deep, deep wounds. I was simply unworthy.

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Self Care and My Last Weekly Blog Post.. For Now.

Self Care and My Last Weekly Blog Post.. For Now.

Self care doesn’t have to mean that you are a selfish human or that you don’t care about other people. In my opinion, it is so that you can be the best you. Because if you can honor your needs then you can show up fully in your life.. and that feels pretty amazing.

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Exercise is Allowed to be Fun

Exercise is Allowed to be Fun

The fitness and diet industries have been spreading underlying messages of fear for a long time now. They have taught us to squeeze in workouts even when we are exhausted. They have taught us to push just a little bit harder even when your body is asking you to stop. They have taught us to count the calories burned, to accept the shaming language of your body needs to change, to look in the mirror and always strive for more improvements, to keep buying all of the things to help reach “x weight” which means that you will then be deemed worthy. To “punish” yourself for eating “too many calories..” because if you can just get to the gym all will be fine. To workout harder so you can “cancel” out the cake you were “not supposed” to enjoy the day before.  

It’s a no wonder we have such a weird negative, on and off again, relationship with exercise... But it doesn’t have to be that way.

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Letting Go of "Should" and Living the Life You Desire.

Letting Go of "Should" and Living the Life You Desire.

This blog post is going to be a tad different this week. I am going to be posting my worksheet, "6 Steps to Letting Go of What You 'Should' Be Doing and How to Identify and Make Time for Your Truest Desires in Life." You can follow along by either journaling or printing out the worksheet here. Enjoy!! 

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What Does It Mean To Be Authentic?

What Does It Mean To Be Authentic?

What does it mean to be authentic? I keep hearing the words “be your most authentic self.” I’ve said things like, “own your truth,” or “be your best self.” But what does that mean? I wanted to break down this word “authentic” and what it means to truly live out that word. Because if you can discover how to live YOUR authentic life, defined by YOU.. you will be able to live a life that feels so in alignment with your soul. One that you know in your gut that you were supposed to live.

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Set Point Weight and Why Dieting Doesn't Work.

Set Point Weight and Why Dieting Doesn't Work.

This post walks through what I believe to be the reasons I have been able to find so much peace around food, exercise, and my body. I dig into the science behind set point weight (the idea that our bodies strive to be at a specific weight set by our own bodies) as well as how I have learned to to take the worth out of my weight/body image.

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Why Are We Always Apologizing?

Why Are We Always Apologizing?

A few months ago at the grocery store I turned a corner and almost ran into someone. Neither one of us saw the other coming. Instantly, I responded with, “oh, sorry!” And to this day I will never forget his reaction, “why are you sorry?” In that moment I started noticing how often I am apologizing and interestingly how often other women are apologizing. Rather than saying, “oh excuse me!” we quickly take the blame for whatever it is and move out of the way. But why?

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Healing My Relationship With Food.

Healing My Relationship With Food.

I wanted to dig into last weeks topic of fear of food a bit more. There was a point in my life where I was finally ready to start healing the way I viewed food and my body. When you have had such a negative relationship with these things for so many years it was hard to find a place to start with it all. It took a lot of trial and error and examining people in my life who seemed to have a “normal” relationship with these things for me to finally put some pieces together and move forward.

In reflecting back there were some key steps in my recovery process. This post discusses those steps and what I did in order to start healing my relationship to food and my body.

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Fear of Food

Fear of Food

What does it mean to fall off track/get back on track? Have we put so much fear into food that if we have a cheeseburger and fries or a milkshake or macaroni and cheese that we are bad humans and we made a mistake and need to get back on track first thing tomorrow morning? What makes you bad or good for eating certain things? I want to dig into this topic a little more. This idea around “back on track” and the feelings we associate and assign to different foods. Why do we as humans do that? What is it about food that we are so afraid of?

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YOU get to decide what 'Healthy and Fit' means to YOU.

YOU get to decide what 'Healthy and Fit' means to YOU.

This is a topic I am wildly passionate about. The idea of what it actually means to be healthy or fit. It is in my tagline and something I talk about frequently and something the industry talks about frequently. But what do those words mean for YOU. Because in my opinion, they can’t be the same definitions for everyone.

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Podcasts, Dreams, and Fears.

Podcasts, Dreams, and Fears.

Okay I have some pretty big news (well it feels like big news to me) I HAVE STARTED A PODCAST!!! Holy scary. My inner mean voice is going NUTS with things like “who the hell do you think you are? NO one is going to listen to you ramble for 30 minutes each week. What do you even have to say anyways.” And I would consider that the nice version of her…

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Singing The Winter Blues

Singing The Winter Blues

I have been deep in the winter blues the last few weeks. Where motivation is hard, comparison is easy, loneliness is overwhelming, and escaping feels necessary. Where the sun is rising as you leave for work and setting as you make your way home. Where you start craving the weekends and the sunshine and the warmth even more than usual. Where you want to so badly feel connected, yet it is so easy to isolate.

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How Do You Talk ABOUT Yourself?

How Do You Talk ABOUT Yourself?

A couple of weeks ago, I was at a conference with coworkers. While there I was meeting a lot of our partners and clients for the first time. Basically, I found myself trying to make and keep conversations constantly. A few days into the conference, I realized something about myself that I had never realized before - the way I talked about myself to others - especially around new folks. While I am constantly working on my inner self talk and the way I talk to me, I never really stopped to notice how I represented myself in a conversation. And that weekend, I learned that I tend to outwardly make fun of me.

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