What Does It Mean To Be Authentic?

What Does It Mean To Be Authentic?

What does it mean to be authentic? I keep hearing the words “be your most authentic self.” I’ve said things like, “own your truth,” or “be your best self.” But what does that mean? I wanted to break down this word “authentic” and what it means to truly live out that word. Because if you can discover how to live YOUR authentic life, defined by YOU.. you will be able to live a life that feels so in alignment with your soul. One that you know in your gut that you were supposed to live.

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Healing My Relationship With Food.

Healing My Relationship With Food.

I wanted to dig into last weeks topic of fear of food a bit more. There was a point in my life where I was finally ready to start healing the way I viewed food and my body. When you have had such a negative relationship with these things for so many years it was hard to find a place to start with it all. It took a lot of trial and error and examining people in my life who seemed to have a “normal” relationship with these things for me to finally put some pieces together and move forward.

In reflecting back there were some key steps in my recovery process. This post discusses those steps and what I did in order to start healing my relationship to food and my body.

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Singing The Winter Blues

Singing The Winter Blues

I have been deep in the winter blues the last few weeks. Where motivation is hard, comparison is easy, loneliness is overwhelming, and escaping feels necessary. Where the sun is rising as you leave for work and setting as you make your way home. Where you start craving the weekends and the sunshine and the warmth even more than usual. Where you want to so badly feel connected, yet it is so easy to isolate.

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Your Reason To Exercise

Your Reason To Exercise

When you hear the word exercise - what words/phrases/thoughts come to your brain right away?Does it look something like this: To burn all of the calories. A must every single day - can’t miss a workout. To keep weight off and to keep from putting weight on. To prove myself…. etc. So with those things aside let me ask you this: What is it about moving your body that you enjoy? What if we made decisions about our movement from enjoyment rather than the place of fear?

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What It Really Means to Listen to Your Body

What It Really Means to Listen to Your Body

Learning to listen to my body has allowed me to make the kinds of decisions that are right for me in the exact moment I am living in as well as create a deeper connection to my intuition. This lesson is the reason I have decided to shift my brand and my message because it is one of the most important and life altering lessons in my life thus far. If I can help just one person learn how to listen and trust their body again, then holy moly that is all I could ever ask for.

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