To The Mirror That Seems To Hate Me So Much

To The Mirror That Seems To Hate Me So Much

The mirror. My hardest, worst critic. That mirror hated me. It hated every piece of me. Every skin cell, every misplaced hair, every imperfect lash. It hated it all. I was never enough. I always needed to be fixed. And no matter how hard I tried, no matter how hard I worked there was no meal plan or exercise routine or mantra that would ever change those deep, deep wounds. I was simply unworthy.

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Fear of Food

Fear of Food

What does it mean to fall off track/get back on track? Have we put so much fear into food that if we have a cheeseburger and fries or a milkshake or macaroni and cheese that we are bad humans and we made a mistake and need to get back on track first thing tomorrow morning? What makes you bad or good for eating certain things? I want to dig into this topic a little more. This idea around “back on track” and the feelings we associate and assign to different foods. Why do we as humans do that? What is it about food that we are so afraid of?

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Your Reason To Exercise

Your Reason To Exercise

When you hear the word exercise - what words/phrases/thoughts come to your brain right away?Does it look something like this: To burn all of the calories. A must every single day - can’t miss a workout. To keep weight off and to keep from putting weight on. To prove myself…. etc. So with those things aside let me ask you this: What is it about moving your body that you enjoy? What if we made decisions about our movement from enjoyment rather than the place of fear?

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