To The Mirror That Seems To Hate Me So Much

To The Mirror That Seems To Hate Me So Much

The mirror. My hardest, worst critic. That mirror hated me. It hated every piece of me. Every skin cell, every misplaced hair, every imperfect lash. It hated it all. I was never enough. I always needed to be fixed. And no matter how hard I tried, no matter how hard I worked there was no meal plan or exercise routine or mantra that would ever change those deep, deep wounds. I was simply unworthy.

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Set Point Weight and Why Dieting Doesn't Work.

Set Point Weight and Why Dieting Doesn't Work.

This post walks through what I believe to be the reasons I have been able to find so much peace around food, exercise, and my body. I dig into the science behind set point weight (the idea that our bodies strive to be at a specific weight set by our own bodies) as well as how I have learned to to take the worth out of my weight/body image.

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Last Weekend, I Put Fear in the Drivers Seat..

Last Weekend, I Put Fear in the Drivers Seat..

I’ve been discussing these topics of love vs fear based decisions along with worthiness/ approval, and how to navigate our feelings to find those things internally. I wanted to talk about an experience from the weekend that challenged me when it came to all of the above and to remind you that this is a constant practice, that it is something I work on every single day. And while it may not always be easy, it is always worth it.

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I Am Enough

I Am Enough

The single concept that I alone choose my worthiness and self approval was one of the most drastic, ah hah, life changing realizations I have ever experienced. I’ve touched on this in the past but I wanted to make it a focus today because it is so important in our journey to discovering who we are and what truly makes us happy. And until we realize that we choose how we feel about ourselves, we will be forever be searching externally for some of the most important pieces of us, those pieces that we can only find within.  

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