Set Point Weight and Why Dieting Doesn't Work.

Set Point Weight and Why Dieting Doesn't Work.

This post walks through what I believe to be the reasons I have been able to find so much peace around food, exercise, and my body. I dig into the science behind set point weight (the idea that our bodies strive to be at a specific weight set by our own bodies) as well as how I have learned to to take the worth out of my weight/body image.

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YOU get to decide what 'Healthy and Fit' means to YOU.

YOU get to decide what 'Healthy and Fit' means to YOU.

This is a topic I am wildly passionate about. The idea of what it actually means to be healthy or fit. It is in my tagline and something I talk about frequently and something the industry talks about frequently. But what do those words mean for YOU. Because in my opinion, they can’t be the same definitions for everyone.

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