How To Not Let Others Opinions Of You Become YOUR Opinions Of You

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Over the weekend, someone made a not so nice assumption about me… and in that moment I had a choice: to either believe that opinion as true OR decide to brush it off and continue to believe MY truth about me.

I wanted to talk about this decision making process and walk through why it is so important to create awareness around when/if we do this in life… because it can drastically change our overall level of happiness and the way we feel about ourselves.

At the end of the day, we are the ones who get to decide how we feel about ourselves and what is true, because no one else has lived your story, only you know your heart.

Please let me know what questions you have and I hope you enjoy this episode!

Resources from the episode:

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  • Hang out with me on Instagram (@stephaniedankelson) for even more resources