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  • Are you tired of feeling drained all.of.the.time?

  • Do you feel like your plate is overly full of commitments you don’t really want to be spending your time doing?

  • Do you find yourself saying “I don’t know what I want…”

  • Do you ever have a hard time making decisions (maybe out of fear of making the wrong one or out of disappointing people?)

  • Do you feel like you are doing all of the “right things” but you’re still feeling unfulfilled?

  • Does the thought of saying “no” to someone flip your stomach into knots?

I hear you.

If this is you, you’re not alone. So many women (me included for YEARS) struggle with differentiating between what they ACTUALLY want vs what they “should” be doing. We feel drawn to the safe path, to wanting to make everyone happy, and letting the “what ifs” run the show.

And so we keep saying yes to the things that drain our energy and no to the (sometimes scary) things that will bring us closer to what we actually want in life.

⁣Our plates become fuller with commitments we end up resenting, our energy becomes more depleted, and we become more confused with who we are and what we actually want. But enough is enough.

This is exactly why I created my Confident Decision Making Meditation Series. A 5 day meditation series that will guide you through how to start feeling more confident in what you want and how to start following through on those wants.


Because if you are ready to:

  • Bring more energy back into your day

  • Learn to operate from a full cup

  • Learn to tell the difference between a decision that is yours vs one that is influenced by fear, other people, and what you “should do”

  • Learn how to actually manage fear when making decisions

  • Learn to say NO to more of what doesn’t fulfill you and YES to the things that will

  • Learn how to start following through on the decisions to ultimately create a life that feels more fulfilling


AND you want to:

  • Create a self care routine

  • Incorporate more meditation and mindfulness and self connection into your day

  • Learn more about yourself

Then Confident Decision Making Meditation Series is for you.


What do you get with this series?

  • Access to a membership site with all of the materials

  • 5 days of guided 10 minute meditations + mantras that will walk you through tips, tools, and mindset hacks to help you uncover what you want and how to start confidently pursuing those things

  • 5 worksheets with journal prompts to go along with each meditation to help you gain more clarity

  • Email access to me so you can review any questions you have as you work through the materials


A little sneak peek inside the modules:


Confident Decision Making Meditation Series is not for you if:

  • You are not ready to make 20 minutes of space for yourself during the 5 days

  • You’re not ready to dive into the work and commit to your self growth

  • You don’t want to try a meditation/journaling practice

  • You’re not ready to explore tools and mindset shifts needed to change your life

Confident Decision Making Meditation Series is for you if:

  • You’re looking to start or expand your meditation/journaling practice (it is okay if you are a beginner with meditation!!)

  • You’re able to carve out 20 minutes a day for yourself and commit to doing the work

  • You’re willing to get curious and dive into your personal growth

  • You’re ready to learn about what you want and you’re ready to take action to bring more energy and fulfillment back into your day

What if you could feel energized, excited, and confident about how you are spending your day and the decisions you made?

Because it is so possible for you, love.


Why would you want to work with Stephanie?

Because I’ve been there. I know that voice in your head. The one that constantly questions if you’re making the right decisions, the one that judges before anyone else can, “don’t say/do that… she’s going to think your weird.” I know what it feels like to compare myself and ache to be like those who seemed to be so free, confident, authentic, and HAPPY. To have the deep feeling in my gut that I’m meant for more but not knowing what that is or if I am even deserving or capable of it in the first place…

But I also know what it is like to get to the other side. To FINALLY remove all of the masks and deeply know and understand who I am and what fulfills me. I no longer let fear of judgment mold me into someone I’m not or hold me back from being myself and going after my dreams. I feel confident in my decisions, knowing I am deserving of everything I desire… exactly as I am. Meditation and connecting to myself has been a pivotal part of that journey.

Why Practice This With Meditation??

Meditation is a beautiful way to tune into what’s going on internally. It gives you the space to be with your own thoughts and get SO clear on what the different feelings feel like in YOUR body as you navigate the work. Meditation allows you to practice the concepts and ideas with yourself first so that when you encounter a similar situation in the “real world” you’ve had a chance to experience it and explore it within yourself. It helps provide additional clarity which in turn creates more confidence which helps inspire ACTION.

What do clients have to say about working with Stephanie?

“I felt completely understood and supported by her, and I think the best word to describe it is safe. I felt safe to feel, to be honest, to explore my emotions and to be 100% myself.”

"Stephanie did an amazing job of making me feel safe and comfortable in each session. She opened up about her past struggles just enough to make me feel understood. She made sure to validate my emotions so I never felt alone in my struggle. I could tell how passionate she was about helping me which made it easier to open up."

“Stephanie understood where I was coming from and had 100% good intentions for me. I enjoyed how she would listen and nicely guide me to a breakthrough. She asked some hard questions, but it made me re-think some of my views and dig deep into my thought patterns.”

“I am more confident in my social interactions with other people, and don't feel the need to prepare for conversations with others anymore, or obsess over some little thing I said. I also learned that my path to accepting myself doesn't have to be perfect, and doesn't have to look like anyone else's! And knowing how to deal with everything and everybody in life is a lifelong journey!”

“I had always tried to approach my issues from a more logical mindset. Stephanie really challenged me to get out of my head and drop down into my feelings. It was unlike any approach I'd ever tried, which made it challenging but effective!"

“Stephanie has an incredible capacity for empathy and making you feel completely understood, all while helping you to better understand and show compassion for yourself. She is an incredible listener and balances this skill with being able to guide you in exploring your feelings and experiences and sharing actionable wisdom.” 

"I felt very safe and understood by Stephanie. She knew there were times I was outside of my comfort zone and she never pushed, but was constantly encouraging. She opened the door for me to try meditation and learning how to feel safe in my body. And to trust my body."

"I have been able to take the time to truly find out what kind of life that I want without any outside expectations."

“I felt comfortable, safe, respected, listened to and secure."

“She helped me to discover core beliefs that were at the root of so many thoughts, emotions and actions that were showing up in my life. One in particular absolutely blew my mind, and if you had asked me directly even a few weeks ago if I believed that about myself, I would have said absolutely not. But with Stephanie’s guidance, I was able to realize how deeply I had held this belief and begin to start to unpack it and let it go.”

"Stephanie was so incredibly encouraging and she had the life experiences to meet me where I was. She was so good at reminding me that I am worthy and I am enough...just as I am. And that the growth process takes time. She was very gentle with me and encouraged me to be gentle with myself."

"I’m so happy to have a real understanding of how much I deserve self love."

"I am starting to become better at recognizing different emotions and letting myself feel through them when I can, instead of avoiding them. I am trying to listen to my body more. I am more authentic with family and friends."

What if you could feel confident in the decisions you make? What if you could freely express yourself with the clarity in what you desire for life? And what if you could do so even when fear is present?

Because it is all possible. It all already exists within you. Are you ready to feel energized, excited, and confident about how you are spending your day and the decisions you make? Let’s do this.