Pursuing Your Dreams Isn’t About Being 100% Ready..

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The day I recorded this episode, I was reflecting on where I started with everything, how much I can remember sitting at my first 9-5 corporate sales job thinking, “well, this is my life now… I’m stuck.”

Due to several different self limiting thoughts, I believed for a long time that I couldn’t pursue the life I deeply wanted. And so I kept living feeling numb and unfulfilled… all the while comparing myself to those who seemed to have the life I wanted.

It wasn’t until I DECIDED to start. To believe “what if my dreams WERE possible…” that things started coming together. Leading me to filling my days with the things that truly light me up.

So today, I wanted to talk about my journey. Why it isn’t about being 100% ready before pursuing what you want for your life and what it looks like to just START.

Because I never want you to look back and ask “what if…” You deserve to create the life of your dreams starting NOW.

Please let me know what questions you have and I hope you enjoy this episode!

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