Stephanie Dankelson - Empowerment + Self Love Coach

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Unpacking Gossip + Receiving

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Unpacking Gossip + Receiving Stephanie Dankelson

EPISODE 98: This has been something I’ve been wanting to talk about for a while.

We see gossiping about other women or putting other women down portrayed so heavily in entertainment/media today. And it is normalized to a point where we bring it into our own lives.

So today I wanted to break down gossip: why we do it, where it typically comes from, and how to start shifting it… 

And why receiving and learning how to truly receive/celebrate ourselves and one another go hand in hand.

Because I want to move into a world where we lead with love… where we can truly and genuinely celebrate, empower, and uplift one another. I get goose bumps thinking about what kind of impact we can create from that place.

(I’m also sharing an exclusive sneak peek of what to expect with my new GROUP program that’s being released sooooo soon… get ready, it’s going to be EPIC)


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