Stephanie Dankelson - Empowerment + Self Love Coach

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You Don’t Need To Look Outside Of Yourself To Feel Whole

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Episode 89 You don’t need to look outside of yourself to feel whole + connected Stephanie Dankelson

As humans, we crave connection.⁣

And it’s so easy to go outside of ourselves to get that need met.⁣

While connection with other humans is SO important, I have also found that connection with ourselves can be forgotten.⁣

Because far too often, we can be the hardest on ourselves.⁣

It becomes default not to question tearing ourselves apart⁣

To shame our actions, thoughts, and emotions⁣

To remove ourselves and disconnect from our bodies⁣

To numb the things we don’t want to deal with or look at⁣

And push away the parts of ourselves we refuse to accept⁣

^ But while doing so - even as we deeply crave connection - we create disconnection within ourselves.⁣

So today I wanted to talk about how you already have everything you need to feel the way you desire. Because you are enough, exactly as you are.

Please let me know what questions you have and just know I’m sending you so much love <3

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