Stephanie Dankelson - Empowerment + Self Love Coach

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Why I Don't Believe In Tough Love

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Why I Dont Believe In Tough Love Stephanie Dankelson

It is so easy to shower ourselves with harsh words and disappointment when looking at our actions/choices in this life, past or present…

“You’re better than that, get your shit together”

I’d shame myself for certain decisions made during a night of drinking

I’d follow a binge with angry, hurtful words and forced exercise

I’d shove emotions that made me “weak” deeper down in my body followed by “you need to be strong…”

I’ve followed so many actions in my life with anger, hate, and tough love thinking it would force me to get better, to avoid that choice next time.

But in doing this deep healing work, I’ve realized that this was of self motivation DOES.NOT.WORK.

SO on today's episode I wanted to talk about why I don’t believe in this form of self motivation, what it is we are truly craving, and how to switch into a more loving form of moving forward.

Please let me know what questions you have and just know I’m sending you so much love!

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