Navigating Self Care and The Winter Blues

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Ahhh I am SO EXCITED to be back at the mic. I wanted to start off season 3 with a few tips on navigating self care and the winter blues (since this is something I have struggled with for a long time!!)

Self care has become a buzzword (buzz phrase..?) and I’m not mad about it because we should be talking about it more…

But I also want to emphasize that if we are not careful, we can completely bypass the entire *purpose* of self care… making this process rushed, confusing, and overly complicated.

Because ultimately the goal is to prioritize yourself. To REFUEL and REFILL your cup, your energy. To be in your body. To be present with yourself AND your emotions. To create intentional time with YOU.

So to help you really feel the benefits of self care, I wanted to share my tips to making sure it is actually working FOR YOU as well as how you can use them to navigate the winter blues. I hope you enjoy this episode!!!

Resources from the episode:

  • Email me at for podcast topic/guest recommendations , for questions, or just to say hi :)

  • Join my free facebook community for additional support on all things self care and a community of like minded women

  • Hang out with me on Instagram (@stephaniedankelson) for even more resources