Stephanie Dankelson - Empowerment + Self Love Coach

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Getting Uncomfortable

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Getting Uncomfortable Stephanie Dankelson

Today, I wanted to take the space  to address what is and what has been happening in the US...

First and foremost, for the Black community with me here (and beyond), I see you. I am standing with you. And I am fighting with you for a change.

Your emotions, everything you’re feeling and experiencing right now is so valid. Please know it’s all welcome here and if there is anything I can do to help support your further never hesitate to reach out. I am always available to listen, to hold space, and to do better.

It is my commitment to ensure that anyone who wants to be a part of this community feels safe, seen, heard, and accepted.

And I am doing the work needed behind the scenes to ensure that stays true always.

That looks like analyzing my business + making the necessary changes, continually educating myself, listening… and doing the work.

This isn’t a social media trend

This isn’t a week of being silent

This isn’t sharing a hashtag or a meme

This is a commitment for change for the long run.

And I am on that road with you.

& I promise to always act from integrity, not fear.

For everyone else here, I see you too. I know that unpacking privilege and racism, admitting where we are wrong is uncomfortable. Do the work but also be compassionate with yourself.

Like I always say, shame and hate will not help create the change. Curiosity, awareness, compassion, and action is what’s going to move the needle forward.

I wanted to take today's episode to focus on how we can do better. Specifically addressing the behaviors that may be blocking us from truly listening, from truly doing the work.

Along with that, here is a link that includes resources on how to take action, on how to be on this journey for the long haul.

Please know I am here. Let’s fight this fight.