Stephanie Dankelson - Empowerment + Self Love Coach

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Why You May Be Feeling Stuck and How To Move Through It

You ALWAYS have options. I know, you might be rolling your eyes at me right now. I SO GET IT. I know what it’s like to feel stuck.


But the reason we keep ourselves stuck more often than not is because we don’t expand our view… because we see the safest path and decide “that’s the one I have to go with.”


The other paths, the ones we decide aren’t possible, typically bring discomfort and fear… which is why we tend to write them off. Whichhhhh is why we can find ourselves feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and in our same patterns at the end of the day.


In order to start creating a life that feels deeply fulfilling  we have to learn how to become comfortable being uncomfortable.


Because here’s the thing, fear doesn’t just go away. People who have what you desire weren’t fearless, they’ve just learned to make friends with the fear... to not let it hold them back and move forward anyways.

So here are my 4 tips to beginning that process for yourself:


1) Recognize the fear. *Welcome it.* Get curious about it. See it. DON’T MAKE YOURSELF WRONG FOR IT OR TRY TO FIGHT IT. It’s okay that it’s there. The more we fight ourselves, the more difficult this process will be and the more disconnection we are going to create within.

2) Create a new definition of fear. “Fear means everything is going to go wrong, I can’t handle it…” to “fear means I am leveling up, that I am getting closer to where I want to be.” When we create a more positive definition and story to what it means to experience fear, we allow ourselves the opportunity to welcome it rather than run away from it.

3) MOVE WITH IT. Isn’t about being fearless, it isn’t about waiting until it goes away. It is about learning how to create a RELATIONSHIP with it so that it doesn’t *stop* you. How can you move forward with the fear rather than letting it hold you back.

4) Be gentle with yourself and honor your feelings/needs. Change and fear can bring up a lot… just know it is okay to feel what you’re feeling. Allow yourself to be gentle as you move through the change.


Once we start understanding it isn’t about being fearless, once we start to become open to discomfort, we allow ourselves to see ALL of the options. We allow ourselves to start making the decision we ACTUALLY want, the one that will get us closer to where we ACTUALLY want to be rather than staying on the path that seems safe (and ultimately keeps us stuck).

So tell me, what other options open up for you when you allow yourself to see all of the possible paths?